Dead Sea Captain [2011]
As I mentioned before, the album definitely has a consistent goth/ dark pop thing going throughout but the songs vary in such a way that you also get morsels of psychdelia, noise rock, neo-folk, dream punk, surf and even near-raga happenings on this trip. I am going to settle, though, on gypsygaze (yes, gypsy-influenced shoegaze... I said that) The basic premise is swirling, pagan-esque ramblings and reverb/fuzz saturated everythingelse, with enough of a back beat to keep it poppy and listenable. The sitar thing in non-traditional settings is not really my thing but it is done with a tasteful-as-possible touch here so I don't find it getting in the way of my listening experience. Overall, the album is a surprisingly catchy piece with dark undertones and a pop face.
Here is a video for the track "Rose-Patterned Walls". I found it enchanting (read the youtube description for bit of animation history/ mind fuckery).
The above-mentioned album by the Anti-Semitic Mermaids can be listened to here